Lydian Free Access to Amulsar ordered

Court Orders Police to Remove Trespassers! Lydian International announced the Administrative Court of the Republic of Armenia ruled in favour of Lydian and instructed the Armenian Police to remove trespassers and their property from the Company’s Amulsar Project site and assure Lydian free passage to Amulsar. João Carrêlo, President and CEO of Lydian, stated: “Lydian’s Amulsar Project has been illegally blockaded since June 22 last year. While we respect individuals’ right of free expression, we strongly believe this cannot be exercised in an illegal manner at the expense of the rights of others, meaning in this case Lydian’s shareholders, lenders, employees, community members, and other stakeholders. Lydian has initiated several legal actions in Armenia since July 2018 to protect the rights of the Company. This is a long overdue step that we hope will become an important milestone towards the abolishment of unlawfulness and discrimination that Lydian ha...