Roberto Coin Collections often of buyer’s feelings

Shaping lives & leaving deep impressions on buyer’s existence Roberto Coin Collections encounters between humans are events charged with extraordinary power, capable of shaping our lives and of leaving deep impressions on our existence, and even when they seem to happen by chance, they’re never simply fortuitous. They express the intersecting of energies that come together, at times for only an instant and at times for long journeys, and create intense but invisible exchanges that modify the course of our experiences and often of our feelings. Every encounter has the potential to transform. Whether it be an exchange of glances on the street, a conversation with a stranger or a friendship that lasts a lifetime, each connection has a silent power. The people we run into become fragments of our story, they influence our thoughts and they make us reconsider our perspectives and beliefs. Even a brief dialogue can open unexpected inner worlds, reawakening hidden intuition...