The IGI-BDB Diamond Workshop concluded

The workshop empowered workforce technically A joint initiative of BDB and IGI, the workshop on diamonds was a success with members of the bourse updating their knowledge base. Conducted by the instructor of gemological studies at IGI School of Gemology, Bhavin Patel, the session delved deeper into the study of the 4C’s, treatments and imitations as well as lab grown diamonds. The focus of each session was on making the members aware about the international standards of grading. Adequate knowledge in this aspect is of paramount importance in order to prepare industry members for a growth-oriented future. “Timely upgrade of technical skills and knowledge of the fraternity is of paramount importance to us. At IGI, we believe in empowering our workforce for the international arena,” said Tehmasp Printer, President and Managing Director, IGI. “For the industry to match global standards of grading, we have to ensure that our workforce is empowered technically. We...