Dunnedin Recovers Diamonds!

Recovery from KD900 Kimberlite Pipe Dunnedin Ventures announced new diamond results from the kimberlite pipe KD900 and the completion of summer/fall field work at its 100% owned Kahuna Diamond Project in Nunavut, Canada. As noted in July 19, the Company has drill-tested two historic kimberlite pipes (KD900 and KD230) and in addition, discovered a new pipe (KH10-11). Initial results from 133.32 kilograms of KD900 include 18 diamonds larger than the 0.106 mm sieve size. Diamond recovery results are indicator minerals from KD900 confirm that while this pipe is diamondiferous, it is not the sole source of high-quality diamond indicator mineral chemistry present in the Josephine Target Area. Claudia Tornquist, President of Dunnedin, said, "We are pleased to be able to confirm the historic diamond content of KD900, and further work on this pipe is warranted. Importantly, these initial results from KD900 will now allow us to compare indicator minerals from...