
Showing posts with the label export growth India

GJ exports India witness a growth of 16.63%

                  Gem and jewellery (GJ) exports witness a growth of 16.63% to                                                      US$ 3369.65 million in April 2021 as compared to                              US$ 2889.12 million in April 2019, the pre pandemic year                                          GJEPC seeks support from Government to continue                                                                             the momentum of GJ exports achieved over the last few months                                                          international markets are open and demand for GJ has started to come back                                                               however domestic challenges due to covid-19                                           second wave are hurdles in first half of the year!   Jewellery Market Bureau:  The Gem and Jewellery sector ha s witnessed a decent recovery in exports over the last few months, as demand is back in major export markets. In