With all-time 100K & 60K monthly readers GJ Town India welcomes 2021!

Readers at Pinterest contributes over 50K a month with over 70K impressions! Deep gratitude to Readers : “All these Auto-Computer generated fact-n-figures are a great tribute of readers in GJ Town India! I express my deep gratitude to remain with the platform consistently” said Nayan Jani, Editor & Publisher- Royalnib Publication. GJ Town India is one of the key activities of Royalnib Publication. GJ signifies Gem-n-Jewellery! Statement occurred by Auto-Computer generated Stat at GJ Town India cheers all by all-time readers that surpass the 100K and reached 101,225. On the other hand, growing readers’ month over months crossed the 10K mark & reached 10360 over the November readers of 9890. Accessing news online is a growing trend & it is also a part of the new normal in the post Covid-19 era. Monthly readers in GJ Town India were 3226 in the year 2018 and that grew to 6398 which is now 10360 as of December 31, 2020. GJ Professionals, key rea...