Skills have no gender!

#skillshavenogender #skillshavenogender #HeForShe Recently WorldSkills has made a call said, ‘…we are looking for your support of #skillshavenogender. You might remember Rosie the Riveter. Flexing her muscles in a boiler suit and cheery polka dot headscarf, she was created as a propaganda tool to draw women into skilled factory work during the Second World War but endured long after as a feminist icon. Her slogan was “We can do it.” Yet decades later, RosIe the Riveter, or Paula the Plumber, or Isabella the Industrial Mechanics Millwright, or Aisha the Aircraft Maintenance Technician, are still relative novelties. WorldSkills refers WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017, ‘that is not to say there has not been great progress. At WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017 we saw Marah Masupa competing for Zambia in Concrete Construction, and Caroline Söderqvist of Sweden in Aircraft Maintenance, both occupations traditionally seen as a male preserve.’ In WorldS...