Mako measures gold resource over 177K Oz

San Albino, a highest-grade open pit in the world! Mako Mining Corp reports the results of an updated mineral resource estimate prepared by Mine Development Associates (MDA), a division of RESPEC, out of Reno, Nevada, at Mako’s wholly-owned San Albino gold project located in Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua. This updated technical report is part of the corporate objectives established for Mako following the management changes that were announced in 2019. In 2019, an infill drill program was initiated, which grew to over 24,000 meters that focused primarily on the first 120 m from surface at San Albino. Mako Mining Reports Results of an Updated Mineral Resource Estimate for San Albino by highlighting a Measured and Indicated Resource of 177,800 Ounces with a Diluted Grade of 10.21 g/t Gold. MDA believes that the exploration procedures, sampling and data derived by Mako is high quality and that the Company’s internal geological model was sound and required few change...