Gold can perform well even if dollar rise!

The myth regarding gold & what does the data tell us? Recently ABC Bullion highlighted the myth & asked, does gold need the dollar to fall? One of the interesting myths regarding gold as an investment is one that suggests it only does well in periods the US dollar (USD) is falling. Indeed, some analysts go so far as to say that it’s the anti-dollar. It’s of course worth noting briefly that up until 1971, US dollars were formally backed by gold, at a formal price of close to $35 per troy ounce (oz), meaning you could exchange USD $35 for an ounce of gold through the banking system. This backing was brought to an end during the Nixon administration, and it has now been just over 50 years since the US abandoned the gold standard. Back to the myth regarding gold and its relationship with the USD, in simple terms, some believe that anytime the USD is going up in value, the gold price will be going down, and vice versa. A detailed examination of market hist...