Piyush Goyal Honoured With the Hall of Fame

Business Leader of the Year Award by GJEPC In a glittering celebration of excellence, the gem and jewellery industry bestowed its highest honour upon ten luminaries at the prestigious IIJS Signature Show, as they were inducted into the coveted Hall of Fame category. The event served as a platform to recognise the outstanding contributions of these trailblazers who have left an indelible mark on the industry. This momentous occasion not only celebrated the achievements of these 10 luminaries but also highlighted the collective spirit of the gem and jewellery community. The sparkling players are, Govindbhai Laljibhai Dholakia of Shree Ramkrishna Exports Pvt. Ltd. (SRK), Shailesh Sangani, of Priority Jewels. Joy Alukkas of Joy Alukkas Jewellers, K Srinivasan of Emerald Jewel Industry India, Pramod Kumar Agrawal (Derewala) of the National Gem & Jewellery Council of India (NGJCI), Nirupa Bhatt, consults-gem and jewellery businesses, Tehmasp Pr...