Mubri held third world meeting

Impressive numbers and very successful Brands join Mujeres Brillantes Runaway! It happened the last week on September 12nd to 15th, Third World Meeting Mujeres Brillantes, where several women’s jewellery has met to discuss the progress of the association's creation in 2016 to the present day. The chosen city this time was Madrid, Spain during the prestigious Spanish Jewelry Show, Madrid Joya attended by members of the group from countries of Latin America and Europe. Unlike the First and Second World Meetings, which had more educational activities, the 2018 Meeting focused more on the commercial activities highlighting the members' brands. Mujeres Brillantes had a special Booth to exhibit the jewelries of the members during the Fair where visitors from all over Europe had the opportunity to visit and meet the designers and promote the B2C and B2B. “I am very happy with this new phase of Mujeres Brillantes, I did not expect that in such a short time we would ...