BoD acquires Sekaka Diamonds!

Botswana Diamonds satisfies acquisition norms! Completion expected on or around 20th November 2020 Botswana Diamonds (BoD), announces that all the Conditions Precedent for the acquisition of Sekaka Diamonds Pty Ltd, as previously announced on 20th July 2020, have now been satisfied.. . Sekaka’s Prospecting License which holds the KX36 high-grade kimberlite pipe has also been extended for a further two years to 30th September 2022. The transaction has been approved by Petra’s lenders and note holders as well as by the Botswana Minister of Mineral Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security. Sekaka was Petra’s exploration vehicle in Botswana and holds three Prospecting Licenses in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve (Kalahari) in Botswana, PL169/2019, PL058/2007 and PL224/2007, which includes the high grade KX36 kimberlite pipe. The acquisition also includes an extensive database, built up over 15 years of exploration. KX36 is a 3.5Ha kimberlite pipe, discov...