Extremely exciting a newly identified gold vein!

Gold mineralization at the Castle property High-Grade Visible Gold at the Robinson Zone Canada Silver Cobalt Works announces that Canada Silver Cobalt Works intersected high-grade gold mineralisation with cobalt within the high-grade silver-cobalt mineralized vein structures at the Castle property. Drilling continues around the clock, seven days a week with 2 drills. A 50,000-meter drill program is in place of which 18,000 meters have been completed. The gold-cobalt mineralisation found in hole CS-20-31 is the fourth potential expansion to the Robinson system, giving at least 5 mineralized veins in the area. The vein in hole CS-20-31 appears to be a different orientation to the other en echelon veins identified and is the first vein in the Robinson system with significant gold results. A percentage of holes in this program have been allocated to identifying and following up on structures in this orientation. With this new discovery, the information previously gathered to...