BDB widens Diamond definition at AGM

New definition includes Synthetic Diamond-LGD! After AGM, members are considering the amendment that made at Special Business in the 36 th AGM of Bharat Diamond Bourse (BDB) is a New Year gift! At the BDB AGM, the Special Business had amended the diamond definition and had included Synthetic Diamond-LGD (Lab Grown Diamond). Recently the BDB held the thirty sixth Annual General Meeting (AGM) of BDB on Monday, December 28, 2020 at BDB Convention Hall. Since long- 2015, BDB boundaries remained closed for such LGDs and diamond fraternity will recollect several debate & discussion about the BDB approach. Yet the BDB de facto had gained a great reputation to source mined diamond in the world without any fear on the back of adopted definition in their AA, “Diamond, means any natural and/or mined diamond, whether rough or polished.” Since long the managing committee of BDB was facing the members’ pressure to adopt LGDs by allowing in the premises. Virtually ev...