
Showing posts with the label polished diamond sales

Alrosa sales $2280 million until November

Sales totaled $390.5mn in November Alrosa reports its rough and polished sales results for November and 11 months of 2020. Sales of rough and polished diamonds in November totaled $390.5 million, including proceeds from rough diamond sales of $374.1 million, and polished diamond sales of $16.4 million.  For 11 months of 2020, total rough and polished diamond sales accounted for $2,280 million, including $2,182 million of rough diamond sales and $98.4 million of polished. “Demand for rough diamonds from our key clients in November remained strong enough as they bring their stocks to the normal levels amid the seasonal growth in demand for diamond jewellery in the USA and China. “High season” of Christmas and New Year sales traditionally supports the market towards the end of the year,” said Evgeny Agureev, Deputy CEO of Alrosa. Alrosa Group rough and polished diamond sales in 2020: Monthly sales results are preliminary and may be updated. Data on the diamond market is the Company’s esti

Alrosa November sales falls

Alrosa eleven months sales grew by 3.7% YoY Alrosa, the world leader in diamond production, announces diamond sales results for November and eleven months of 2018.   In November, Alrosa Group sold $274.0 million worth of rough and polished diamonds (-18% YoY). Rough diamond sales in terms of value amounted to $266.6 million, polished diamond sales –$7.4 million. Alrosa’s total diamond sales in January-November 2018 grew 3.7% YoY and amounted to $4.2 billion.  During the eleven months of 2018, rough diamonds were sold for $4.1 billion, polished diamonds – for $90.4 million.  “Diamond sales in November were 13% higher by value and 25% higher by volume against October this year. This may be indicative of strengthening demand for low-cost small-sized rough diamonds, which has been declining over the past few months.  However, it is too early to make final conclusions. We still see a lot of potential for the increase in demand for rough diamonds from the Indi