
Showing posts with the label redefining KP

EU KP Chair passes bucks to India!

Nothing final on an expanded Definition of conflict diamonds WDC eye on next KP Plenary in India in 2019 While reiterating its support for the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) as the most effective means possible to end the trade in conflict diamonds, the World Diamond Council (WDC) expressed concern that more progress was not made in reforming its scope during the 2018 KP Plenary Meeting that hosted by the European Union in Brussels, Belgium. Nonetheless, the WDC considered as positive the noting in the KP Plenary’s final communiqué of the submission by the Canadian government of an expanded definition of conflict diamonds, which had been proposed by WDC and its fellow KP observer, the Civil Society Coalition (CSC), and expressed hope that the Kimberley Process Participants will support the amendment and make further contributions ahead of the next KP Plenary in India in 2019. Furthermore, the WDC welcomed the decision of the KP Plenary to a