Sanctions on Russian diamonds loss to Africa!

That brings largely fraught with losses in other countries Sanctions imposed on Russian diamonds are fraught with restrictions and financial losses for other countries, including African states whose budgets largely depend on income from the sale of precious stones, a study by the Analytical Credit Rating Agency (ACRA) says. The study, the results of which are available to Russian Media, recalls that the share of Russian diamonds on the global market exceeds 30%, while Russia accounts for about 60% of the world's proven diamond reserves. As the study notes, if Russian diamonds are banned, African diamond mining countries will be forced to certify each of their stones to confirm its geographical origin, which, according to ACRA, is unrealistic! "As a consequence, integration of the country and its diamonds into the international diamond market is high, while this market affects the interests of many countries. In this regard, ACRA believes that sanctions agai...