3D-printed bionic eye, a reality!

Bionic eyes science fiction now closer In using a multi-material 3D printer A bionic eye thanks to silver! The dream of producing a bionic eye has taken a step closer thanks to silver. The challenge of making such a prosthetic has always been to layer light-sensitive materials onto an orb without the distortion inherent in placing two-dimensional objects even thin ones like wires onto a rounded surface. Researchers at the University of Minnesota claim to be the first to use a 3D printer to overlay light receptors on a hemispherical glass surface. Michael McAlpine, a coauthor of the study 3D Printed Polymer Photo detectors and Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, said in prepared remarks: “Bionic eyes are usually thought of as science fiction, but now we are closer than ever using a multi-material 3D printer.” Using a custom-made 3D printer, the research team took a base ink of silver particles and sprayed it on the glass surface. Instead of running...