Strategic supremacy: Nayan Jani

What we are facing is not only a global financial turmoil that is now likely to enter in to a battle & sooner will be a war to attain strategic supremacy! With the available ut- most fact-n- figures I estimated & encompassed, the on going crisis that could get extended until 2010 end, in my cover story: ‘ Crisis: Strategies & Policies’ in the month of January’09.

Before the Crisis story I had been put the US under my perusal since 2003 while I inked in July: ‘US: a bubble like economy’ & that led me to ink full story, ‘US: a bubble like economy Dollar impending burst!’ in the May 2008. Perhaps, what I did not ink & kept under my further analysis is now looking true, de facto this is a war to hit on strategic supremacy at all fronts – nations to nations, industry to industry & players – players.

Financial Paradox:

Now this is the financial battle of advanced & developing economy, spending led & export led nations. This is the financial battle of over valued & under valued currencies. This global crisis is also about forex reserve surplus & arrears, spendthrift habit & penny-wise attitude! Because of nations involvement & approaches to achieve global strategic supremacy in the global village the crisis has became the financial paradox else any economist could have global macro approach & remedies!

US-China Craziness:

At last, now a bubble of US economy is reaching surface where that would likely get explode! Accordingly dollar also would be busted in this FY 2009-10 is likely. Equally China also will be placed under the severe economic crisis. De facto, I had inked another cover story: ‘India in global village: 2007’ in the March 2004, wide in a three chapters. Extensively I viewed over global cross currency by 2007 in the context of India though I notified over the peril of under & over valued currency cycle. Also alarmed upon financial paradox, “Fact says during 2005-07, Asian & rest nations will shoot-up dollar sharply...then the world may dip into yet another recession”

US neither reinforced their economy nor educated over valued dollar. Just allowed debt mounting that is now putting a question of US solvency! Asia News like media players have learned: ‘U.S. debt approaches insolvency’

Well, many developing nations & Japan too kept their currency under valued & also handled over valued yet crippling dollar! Say India played under valued currency yet is not dependent on exports earnings any more, enjoying vibrant domestic market.

But china played strategic and kept on accumulating US dollar in every form-n-way! Now in this great meltdown, China is wishing to keep a tally over the US & aspirant political supremacy too!
Here is the absurdity of US & China. The 2004 story notified China to educate Yuan which is being fastened against US dollar at 8.28 since 1996 that to be rectified until 2007 to prevent related inflation. They rectified & stood at 8.62 to a dollar and also carried ‘export led economy’ title.

Long Conservation:

What if China announces any will to un-peg dollar? Without any delay Japan, UK & Gulf oil-monarchies would join un-peg band. And EU & whole the globe have to rush to un-peg dollar. It is likely that China could think to realize own aspiration for holding-up highest dollar & if the US allow China to go aspiration way, the US would loss the global leader status.

What if the US announces any devaluation of the dollar by 35 to 45%!!! Because according to GEAB N°30 estimate, “The hundreds of billions of USD piled up in their reserves are only worth 50 or 30 percent of their face value.” If the US wish to keep up their appearance, that requires increasing about 107,153 tons of gold is estimated by commodity online, to strengthen the dollars which are in circulations.

According to the World Bank data of 2007 GEAB N°30 says, “In the case of China the currency is undervalued by 55.54 per cent.

This entire issue now is less of financial crisis & more of Strategic supremacy! This will push the US, China, UK, EU like players in to long conservation way. Experts estimate says: “In fact these countries should not expect any real return to growth before 2018.”

Let’s stand firm & strategic to our policies!


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