“People like festivity!”

“People like festivity!”

Nayan Jani

The world’s most ancient yet authoritative literature of civilization VEDA says: “People like festivity.” I learned, buyer like festivity.
Recently Shri C. Vinod Hayagriv Chaired the GJF. During the media interaction he wishes to extend more jewellery buying occasions along with GJF-Lucky Laxmi: the successful story. Mr Vinod aspired to clutch ‘India Jewellery Week’ across the nation within the year or two.

Until inked moral is two words,

1: Jewellery buying occasions &
2: Festivity. Let’s underline both the context.

1: Jewellery buying occasions:

Recently the WGC recognized about 86 pan-nation-n-regional occasions that would promote sales. Until such revelation the WGC carried about nine occasions for their promotional mission. They concluded, ‘one in every four days will be treated as an auspicious occasion to buy gold.’

2: Festivity:

De facto this vital part that buyer like festivity! There were no as many occasions or festivals or celebrations as Asian nations that they have ethnically or traditionally or ritually. And among Asian nations, India is a place of festivity! Indians have huge occasions, wide cultural canvas to celebrate every day virtually & accordingly they do celebrates even if else recognize or not. Indians have own calendar, ethnic values & own culture-n-customs.

What western nations has done, they created various days-n-events to motivate people to celebrate. And India today is the place where both, eastern-n-western or virtually say every known occasions has been celebrates.


What missing point here in India is that our approach to buyer as a jeweller. Barbie- the individual brand, they celebrate their successes but other players also join that vagabond! Look DeBeers Barbie. Not only this but western players do celebrates their writer-n-poet & up to their scientists success stories. Say, Royal Mint they produced a gold coin to honor the 200th- anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin. Why cannot we sell such ideas! Why we do not know about Rabindranath, Jagadish Chandra Bose, Shivaji Maharaj...Chanakya....!?!!!

Bottom Line:

Why do we wait people to celebrate & step up us as their will, why we are not generating more-n-more occasions as they like to celebrate everyday! Rule of hyper competition is to be offensive rather than defensive.


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