39th WDC on September 14-15, 2020


WFDB and IDMA announce the first virtual congress 

WFDB and IDMA Announce the First Virtual World Diamond Congress (WDC) 39th Congress will be held on September 14-15, 2020. Recently they have extended key areas of open sessions! After the closing session, there will be a talk by David Kellie, CEO of the Natural Diamond Council, who will reveal their new global advertising campaign.

Open sessions of the World Diamond Congress are being scheduled as: 1: Schedule for September 14, 2020 is for Opening Session of WFDB and IDMA First Virtual and 39th World Diamond Congress, Diamonds in the Next Normal! 

The session would witness speakers including, Yoram Dvash, WFDB Acting President, Ronnie VanderLinden, IDMA President, Edward Asscher, WDC President & Gaetano Cavalieri, CIBJO President. The session has included the presentation of Get Diamonds by Kim Pelletier, CEO. 

The announced session for September 15, 2020 is Congress Closing Session where also the speakers are Yoram Dvash & Ronnie VanderLinden. In the session Peter Karakchiev, Head of International Relations Alrosa will precede his presentation on: What you need to know about the System of Warranties!

At the closing session the scheduled Guest lecture will be carried on by David Kellie, CEO, Natural Diamond Council on, Marketing Diamonds to Future Generations- Presentation of new advertising campaign.


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