Endeavour Produces 942274 oz Silver


Endeavour Silver Q3, 2020! 

Endeavour Silver Produces 942,274 oz Silver and 10,260 oz Gold (1.8 Million oz Silver Eq.) in Third Quarter, 2020. By giving details, Endeavour Silver reports production of 942,274 silver ounces (oz) and 10,260 gold oz in Q3, 2020, for silver equivalent production of 1.8 million oz at 80:1 silver: gold ratio, bringing the year to date production total to 4.4 million AgEq oz.

Endeavour operates three high grade, underground, silver-gold mines in Mexico; Guanacevi in Durango state, Bolanitos in Guanajuato state and El Compas in Zacatecas state. Production returned to plan in Q3, notwithstanding a heavy rain season, after a two month shut down in Q2 following a government mandated suspension of mining operations due to Covid-19. 

Bradford Cooke, Endeavour CEO, commented, “After riding out a challenging Q2 with our mining operations suspended for more than half the quarter, due to the government Covid-19 mandate, our operations team were able to deliver a return to our production plan in Q3, 2020. I commend all of our employees for quickly and fully embracing our Covid-19 precautionary measures to prevent contagion at our mine sites.” 

“This pandemic has temporarily changed our lives and required all of us to be persistent with our safety procedures to operate as safely and effectively as possible. We continue to keep our higher risk people safe at home during this period and yet our mines are running near capacity despite having fewer employees on site, a testament to the positive response by our operations management and employees.”


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