IGJA 2020 nominations open!


GJEPC invites nominations for the 47th edition of India Gems & Jewellery Awards-IGJA 2020

A total of 32 awards are envisaged to be presented! 

GJEPC invites nominations for the 47th edition of India Gems & Jewellery Awards (IGJA 2020), and the last date to file the nomination form is 3rd November 2020. The IGJA is recognition of the business excellence demonstrated by enterprises and entrepreneurs constituting the industry, and stands testimony to the industry’s growing standards of modern design, innovation, differentiation and uniqueness. 

Colin Shah, Chairman, GJEPC said, “The gem & jewellery industry is built on strong business ethics and has been able to self-regulate during any crisis. This was once again proved during the unprecedented Covid -19 crisis. For several decades now, entrepreneurs of this sector have put in great efforts to build their businesses, and the Indian gems and jewellery industry as a whole. India Gems & Jewellery Awards is recognition of their efforts and the phenomenal work undertaken by the members towards the growth of the Industry.” 

Vipul Shah, Vice Chairman, GJEPC comments, “This is an industry where big, medium and smaller players form a complex, inter-connected web, which is not just co-existing, but also complementing and supporting each other in myriad ways. It was realised that size alone does not determine one’s commitment to deliver the best.

Since the last couple of years, the awards have been divided across Large, Small and Medium segments, with outstanding achievers in each category being duly recognised.” I am pleased to invite member companies to file their nomination in any of the award categories.” 

Mansukh Kothari, Convener, Events said, “IGJA 2020 will felicitate companies for their exemplary performance on key parameters like growth, export excellence, marketing initiatives, innovation, CSR initiatives, value additions and investment in R&D, among other attributes, during the year 2019-20. The awards will also felicitate supporters of the industry like banks and agencies supplying gold, CHA, etc.” 

Below are the award categories:

“Industry performance” category: Precious Metal Jewellery - Plain (Large) with exports above Rs. 250 Crore; Precious Metal Jewellery - Plain (Medium) with exports above Rs. 100 Crore unto Rs 250 Crore; Precious Metal Jewellery - Studded (Large) with exports Rs. 500 Crore & above; Precious Metal Jewellery - Studded (Medium) with exports Above Rs. 100 Crore unto Rs 500 Crore.

Precious Metal Jewellery  - Plain & Studded (Small) with exports Below Rs. 100 Crore; Cut & Polished Diamonds - Highest Turnover (Large); Cut & Polished Diamonds, (Medium) with exports Rs. 250 Crore above up to Rs. 1000  Crore; Cut & Polished Diamonds (Small), Exports Below 250 Crore; Silver Jewellery; Cut & Polished Colored Gemstones; Costume/Fashion Jewellery; Cut & Polished Synthetic Stones; Sales to Foreign Tourist; Best Growing Company of the Year - PMJ (Plain & Studded); Best Growing Company of the Year - Cut & Polished Diamonds.

Special Recognition category: 

Most Innovative Company, Most Socially Responsible Company, Best Digital Initiative, and Woman Entrepreneur of the Year. 

Banks and Agency category: 

Best Agency Supplying Gold; Best Agency Supplying Gold to Highest Number of Clients; Best Bank Financing the Industry - Overall (Highest Limits Sanctioned); Best Bank Financing the Industry - Exports (Highest Limits Sanctioned); Best Bank Financing the Industry - Export to MSME Companies (Highest Limits Sanctioned) Finance should be under 25 Crore and minimum 10 clients; Best Bank Financing the Industry (Highest Number of Clients); Best Bank Financing the Industry(Highest Growth of Limits Sanctioned- (Minimum base Rs.500 Cr). 

Other Award categories: 

Highest Employment on roll of Company, Highest Tax payer of the company, Life Time Achievement; Clearing Agent of the Year; Highest Gems and Jewellery Sales (Importer).

Dun & Bradstreet has been entrusted with the responsibility of Knowledge Partner for IGJA 2020. The award winners’ finalisation will be purely based on a nomination-driven process, with nominations being open exclusively for GJEPC members, except for certain categories specifically kept open to the supporters of the industry. 

A proprietary quantitative model developed by Dun & Bradstreet will be used to shortlist the possible award winners, while the final set of award winners will be chosen by an esteemed jury. All companies sending in valid nominations will receive DUNS number from Dun & Bradstreet.

For more details of the IGJA 2020, you may visit https://gjepc.org/igja-awards.php  or write to igja@gjepcindia.com


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