Laboum, an exciting gold system!

Quartz Vein Discovery at Tapare! 

Altus Strategies provides an exploration update on the Company’s Laboum gold project in northern Cameroon & said, 1: 5,000m of trenching underway at Laboum gold project in Cameroon, 2: Four gold prospects defined by exploration surveys and artisanal gold workings & 3: Results from trenching to guide maiden drilling programme!

 Steven Poulton, Chief Executive of Altus, commented, “Laboum is an exciting gold system that has never been drilled tested. The Project comprises a 17km long gold-bearing shear zone within Birimian age metavolcanic and Meta sedimentary formations that hosts a number of hard-rock and alluvial artisanal gold workings.

Exploration by Altus to date has included high density stream, soil and geophysical surveys. This work has defined four priority gold prospects, of between 1.6km and 7.0km in length. 

Altus has recently discovered a quartz vein array at the Tapare prospect, which has returned a highest grade of 36.20 g/t Au from rock chip sampling. Previous sampling of sheared metasediments rocks at the Landou Prospect has returned a best grade of 6.86 g/t Au. 

This 5,000m trenching programme will test the hard rock potential of several key prospects at Laboum, ahead of a maiden drilling programme planned for 2021. We look forward to updating shareholders on this current phase of work.” 

Quartz Vein Discovery at Tapare Prospect: As part of the current phase of exploration at Laboum, the Company’s field teams have discovered a significant new array of quartz veins at the Tapare prospect. 

The discovery comprises 21 quartz veins, ranging from between 10m to 345m in length, within a 150m wide zone. The veins are hosted in Meta siltstone and Meta greywacke formations. A total of 141 reconnaissance samples have been collected as part of the current field programme at Laboum of which 27 samples were collected from the Tapare discovery, including vein samples which returned grades of up to 36.20 g/t Au and 1.13 g/t Au.



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