Sarine to launch Advisor 8.0 in 2021

Focused upon a current scenario! 

Recently Sarine Technologies made their Corporate Presentation for Needham Conference available. The presentation has focussed on many facets of Sarine including their Technologies Span, Revolutionary tech of Diamond Polishing & its’ Phases and also focussed upon their technology of Galaxy, e-Grading, Traceability with Diamond Journey with other current scenario. 

Under the Going Forward, Sarine said, continued market domination of inclusion scanning and mapping, rough planning and related manufacturing products and services. 2021 will see launch of Advisor 8.0 with enhanced features, widening technological gap with piracy. 

The Group remains confident in expanding its market penetration of the Galaxy family of inclusion mapping systems to smaller and smaller stones, as evidenced by record setting 50 deliveries in Q1 of 2020, prior to pandemic, along with Q4 record setting usage.

Digital tenders, due to Covid-19 obstacles, are opening doors for cooperation with key miners (Alrosa, Lucara, etc) as well as with wholesale rough traders. Driving significant growth in Galaxy per-stone revenues from high-end or say, 10+ carat diamonds at the juncture. 

Paradigm to remain after pandemic as it reduces costs, improves margins and enables nimbler moving of inventory. Key indirect benefit is enabling Sarine to establish critical anchors for traceability. 

Sarine Profile, Sarine Diamond Journey, light performance grading and AI-derived 4Cs e-Grading address the wholesale and retail trade of polished diamonds-the segments of the diamond value chain with highest margins. Optimally, these combined offerings should capture double-digit share of US$ 500M+ market with high ~80% gross margins. Currently still only less than 3% of revenues. 

Sarine said, “Our manufacturing-related, grading and retail/branding technologies are all applicable to LGD. Already it is generating revenues. Being evaluated and adopted by additional key players in midstream and downstream segments of LGD pipeline.” 

Sarine said, “Our technologies span entire value chain.” Sarine Technologies, through its application of patented solutions (proprietary mechanics, electronics, optics, lasers and sophisticated software) is a global leader in the development of systems used throughout the entire diamond value chain, from mine to retail, from rough diamonds evaluation, planning and polishing to polished diamonds grading and trade.

By sharing traceability with diamond journey Sarine say, 1: Provides captivating visualization of the entire history of the rough stone – from mine to polished gem. Actual real-time generated imagery tracks stone through key stages from modeling at mine through polishing, culminating in its final polished form; captivates consumer with insight into painstaking craftsmanship of creating his/her unique gem. 

2: Documents the responsible sourcing and manufacture of the diamond – key to concern of consumers and other industry players (governments, banks, insurers and social groups – e.g. Human Rights Watch) for tracing of diamonds’ sources; not based on declaratory information but on actual data collected throughout the process. 

3: Leverages our extensive presence in the midstream to implement solution with minimal overhead, disruption or cost to manufacturers based on existing installed base of Sarine’s aforementioned industry-leading technologies. 4: Supported by Alrosa, world’s largest diamond producer by carats, and Lucara; additional key miners running pilot tests. 

5: Leading polishers in India and Israel have adopted paradigm to be, Journey-ready for retail demand; High-end sustainability-minded retailers among probable early adopters. 6: As a benefit to miners, adding Galaxy derived information to source scan enables digital e-tenders of rough stones. It is adopted by Alrosa and Lucara as well as Stargems, a leading rough secondary wholesaler in Dubai. 

For Lab-Grown Diamonds, Sarine inks, 1: Growing market acceptance of lab-grown diamonds (LGD) with ~50% of US retailers expected to be offering LGD in 2021. 2: Shutdown of key Argyle mine, historically major producer of low-quality smaller diamonds, to contribute to expansion of LGD demand. 

3: Lab-grown diamonds are thus poised for rapid growth creating a new expanded market concurrently with and beyond today’s US$ ~80 billion natural diamond jewellery market. 4: Have demonstrated applicability of our manufacturing technologies to LGD and already generating revenues from this evolving market segment. LGD segment has a probable opportunity to enter into technology-based processing-related service partnerships. 

5: Due to prohibitive direct and indirect costs of third-party lab grading for LGD goods, e-Grading evolving as natural alternative. Also addresses 21st century technology factor – “diamonds produced by technology - graded by technology”.



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