14th edition of IIJS Signature 2021 announced!

The First Mega Gem & Jewellery physical show

Scheduled during 7th to 12th April 2021, Mumbai

GJEPC announces strict Covid 19 guidelines with 

Limited Exhibitor and Buyer Entry 

GJEPC, the apex body of the gems & jewellery in India is all set to organize its 14th edition of IIJS Signature 2021 from 7th to 12th April 2021 at Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon. It will be the first Mega Gems & Jewellery Show of this stature since the onset COVID-19. The show will be held in 3 halls (hall 1, 6 and 7) with 750+ exhibitors and approx. 1365 booths. 

Speaking at the press conference, Colin Shah, Chairman, GJEPC said, “It has been more than a year since the industry witnessed a physical show of the magnitude of IIJS Signature. Owing to demand from all segments of the trade, GJEPC is organising IIJS Signature in physical form. 

It is the need of the hour that the entire jewellery community comes together to boost the jewellery business. The exhibition is held at a Covid-Free Zone and we are following all SOPs set by Central Govt. and Govt. of Maharashtra to organize the show.”

Colin Shah further added, “With the Vaccination drive already in full swing in India, we expect that by end of March, a large number of people would be vaccinated for Covid. 

We are anticipating a surge in demand for gems and jewellery in the next few months with weddings and Akshay Tritiya lined up. IIJS Signature will be an opportunity for our visitors and buyers to restock their inventory for the upcoming demand for the season.” 

Despite the pandemic, lockdown and sluggish international demand, India’s gem and jewellery exports from April 2020 to Jan 2021 reached $19.2 Billion.

Announcing the dates for IIJS Signature 2021, Shailesh Sangani, Convener, National Exhibitions, GJEPC said, “We are organising IIJS Signature from April 7-12, 2021 by taking all the precautionary measures against Covid-19. 

We have made the processes completely digital – registration is mandatory through GJEPC online app, digital contactless badges will be issued (no physical badges), visitors and exhibitors have to compulsory download Aarogya Setu App. Moreover, for entry into the exhibition, visitors must produce a Covid-19 Negative Report, tested at least 72 hours prior to arrival.” 

“As per Govt. of Maharashtra SOP & Guidelines, entry at the show will be for restricted number of people both for Visitors & Exhibitors. Hence, the show days of IIJS Signature 2021 have been increased to 6 days from 4 days.” adds Sangani. 

Some of the other safety measures taken by the Council include, 1: Thermal Scan & Hand Sanitization at Entry, 2: Periodic Sanitization & Disinfection of frequent contact areas, 3: Covid Prevention Kits to be provided to ALL Visitors/Exhibitors at the show, 4: Facility of Rapid Tests for COVID-19 available at the show. 

5: Isolation Room with doctors at the Venue, 6: First Aid Booths at each of the Halls, 7: Special COVID-19 Response Team at the show, 8: Sanitization & Health Check of ALL Vendors & Staff Members entering the Show, 9: Highest level of hygiene standards to be maintained at the Cafeteria. 

Entry restricted as per Alphabetical Order according to Company Names & accordingly, A to J will visit on Day 1 & 2, K to R scheduled to visit on Day 3 & 4 & S to Z have to visit on   Day 5 & 6. Rest related norms are, 1: Maximum of 2 badges per Company & 2: Maximum of 10 Badges per company for 25 & above Stores.



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