WDC call to action on SoW

Revised System of Warranties! 

“We are reaching out to inform you about the Revised System of Warranties (SoW), which will require you to change the warranty declaration that all members of the trade add to invoices and memo documents” said the World Diamond Council (WDC). 

The SoW was developed by the WDC in 2002 as an industry self-regulation system that would indicate that diamonds being sold comply with the requirements of the KPCS. The Revised SoW was launched in September of 2021 to meet consumer demand for enhanced supply chain integrity.  It is designed to help meet those expectations.  

In view of this fact, the current warranty statements on your invoices and memo statements are soon to be outdated and are to be replaced with the broader statement that is in accordance with today's market demands. Therefore it is imperative that you update them as soon as possible.  

Register on the SoW website and provide the required information. Upon successful registration, you will receive a self-assessment form that you can complete online in just 5-10 minutes. After successful submission, you will receive a unique identification number, as well as a downloadable copy of the completed self-assessment to show and prove your adherence to the SoW Guidelines.  

“If you are already RJC Certified Member or BPPs Compliant, you still have to register on the WDC website, but the self-assessment form will be automatically completed for you,” said WDC & AWDC.




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