Twogether Collection to celebrate Raksha Bandhan!

De Beers Forevermark adds a special touch to the celebration! 

This Raksha Bandhan, De Beers Forevermark adds a special touch to the celebration of sibling bonds with its exclusive Twogether Collection. Designed to honour the joy of being together the collection features a stunning array of jewellery, each piece reflecting the beauty and unity of sibling relationships. There’s something truly special about the moments shared with your sibling, and the Forevermark Twogether Collection celebrates this unique bond with jewellery that embodies the joy of togetherness. 

Each piece showcases stunning diamonds, symbolizing how you shine brighter together. These diamonds are not only beautiful and rare but also responsibly sourced, reflecting a promise of quality and care in every design. 

The Twogether Collection ring embodies elegance and togetherness, perfectly suited for celebrating the special bond of Raksha Bandhan. Each diamond bears a unique inscription certifying its exceptional quality and ethical sourcing ensuring that your gesture is both beautiful and responsible. 

The Twogether Collection pendants offer a timeless symbol of sibling love, keeping it close to the heart. The pendants feature a curved silhouette that elegantly embraces two natural diamonds. Set in a blend of plain rose gold and pavé, they are designed for everyday wear serving as a constant reminder of the special bond shared with a sister.  

Add a touch of sparkle to every moment with earrings. The versatile earrings showcase beautiful Forevermark diamonds set between delicate pavé arcs. Their timeless design brings joy making them a perfect gift to celebrate sibling love.  

So, this Raksha Bandhan, deepen the bond with your siblings by gifting them a piece of De Beers Forevermark's brilliance. Explore the timeless beauty of the Forevermark Twogether Collection. Visit the brand's official website or find the nearest De Beers Forevermark store to shop for these exquisite pieces. To locate a store near you, click here.



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