AI analysis identifies seven new kimberlite

Botswana diamonds identifies 7 new kimberlite targets According to the Botswana Diamonds report, their highlights say, Seven significant kimberlite targets have been identified to date that have never been previously reported, one of which is of extremely high interest, in the opinion of the Botswana Diamonds board. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) programme has also revealed compelling polymetallic targets in areas currently unlicensed. Chairman, John Teeling, commented: “The identification of seven, previously unreported, anomalies is a major achievement. To discover them in a few short months is a major step forward in mineral exploration. Using AI techniques and powerful computing, almost 400,000 kilometres of airborne geophysical and other exploration data has been analysed and evaluated. It is astounding. Botswana Diamonds is extremely fortunate to have such a vast treasure trove of decades of diamond exploration data in Botswana. I would like to ...