Diamond Trade for Transparency

De Beers Group supports enhanced transparency with “Diamonds from DTC” Launches www.dtc.com to provide more information about source of origin De Beers Group announced that it is to support the diamond trade in providing enhanced transparency regarding diamonds purchased from its Sight sales by introducing a “diamonds from DTC” source of origin claim-( In Canada, the term “diamonds from Diamond Trading Company” will be licensed for use instead of “diamonds from DTC”.) The claim will serve as a factual statement about provenance that Sightholders and Accredited Buyers can use for diamonds purchased from Sights. For diamonds purchased from the third Sight of 2019 onwards, subject to entering into a licence agreement, Sightholders and Accredited Buyers will be able to apply the claim to their Sight-sourced diamonds and pass it on to their customers along the value chain. In turn, subject to meeting certain criteria, trade participants will be able to use ...