A decisive meeting of GJC & DGFT held

GJC Formation to announce on 31stJanuary 2019 Recently the meeting between All India Gem and Jewellery Domestic Council (GJC) & Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) held in Delhi. Along with GJC Chairman, Anantha Padmanabhan representatives from the gem and jewellery sector had joined. The meeting is said in the context of GJC structure as the domestic council for the gems and jewellery sector. In a post meeting statement Mr Anantha Padmanabhan said, “Following a significant meeting under the auspices of the Union Ministry for Commerce & Industry and the chairmanship of Alok Vardhan Chaturvedi, DG Foreign Trade, held in Udyog Bhavan. It has been decided that formation of the Domestic Council for Gems & Jewellery will be announced on 31stJanuary 2019. All India Gem & Jewellery Domestic Council (GJC), which was part of the existing working group, will also be part of the newly constituted Ad Hoc Committee. GJC will take an important part a...