A decisive meeting of GJC & DGFT held
Formation to announce
31stJanuary 2019

a post meeting statement Mr Anantha Padmanabhan said, “Following a significant
meeting under the auspices of the Union Ministry for Commerce & Industry
and the chairmanship of Alok Vardhan Chaturvedi, DG Foreign Trade, held in
Udyog Bhavan.
has been decided that formation of the Domestic Council for Gems &
Jewellery will be announced on 31stJanuary 2019. All India Gem & Jewellery
Domestic Council (GJC), which was part of the existing working group, will also
be part of the newly constituted Ad Hoc Committee.
will take an important part at Drafting Committee, which will oversee the
drafting of the constitutional documents as well as the Election Rules of the
Domestic Council. The domestic gems & jewellery sector is going through a
challenging situation and all diverse constituents have to unite for a positive
outcome for the betterment of the sector.
Domestic Council has to take up multiple challenges faced by jewellers such as
the creation of a national Gold Policy, high gold import duty, Gold
monetization scheme, mandatory gold hallmarking without requisite
infrastructure, GST related problems and harassment of jewellers by Government
of banking finance wrt working capital to jewellers will stifle our growth and
progress. We have to ensure the continuation and sustenance of karigars and
artisans who are our national treasures. We have to make investments towards
brand building, designing, manufacturing and customer reassurance. The Domestic
Council will play a pivotal role in all these aspects.”
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