Join International Poster Competition 2019

ICA announces International Poster Competition 2019 ICA announces International Poster Competition, October 2019 with the main theme of the coming poster competition will be “Gemstone-a genuine treasure to hold on to” In the light of this concept ICA invite graphics designers worldwide to design a poster (or posters) which include a design of a piece of any kind of jewelry adorned with colored gemstones. The prizes will be sent to the winning designer after the conclusion of the ICA Congress in Bangkok. The International Colored Gemstone Association (ICA) will have its biannual congress in Bangkok Thailand on October 12-15, 2019. This is the third time that Bangkok is hosting ICA congress since ICA foundation in 1984. Previous congresses were events to remember. During the years of its inception, ICA has become one of the international leading jewelry and gemstone trade organizations. Traditionally, ICA conducts during its congresses a poster competition dedicat...