Join International Poster Competition 2019

ICA announces International
Poster Competition 2019

ICA announces International Poster Competition, October 2019 with the main theme of the coming poster competition will be “Gemstone-a genuine treasure to hold on to” In the light of this concept ICA invite graphics designers worldwide to design a poster (or posters) which include a design of a piece of any kind of jewelry adorned with colored gemstones. The prizes will be sent to the winning designer after the conclusion of the ICA Congress in Bangkok.

The International Colored Gemstone Association (ICA) will have its biannual congress in Bangkok Thailand on October 12-15, 2019. This is the third time that Bangkok is hosting ICA congress since ICA foundation in 1984. Previous congresses were events to remember. During the years of its inception, ICA has become one of the international leading jewelry and gemstone trade organizations.

Traditionally, ICA conducts during its congresses a poster competition dedicated to the promotion of gemstones. In the last couple of years, the world was introduced to “fake reality”, “fake facts” and “fake news” which had an effect on our society. ICA looks on the coming congress as a unique opportunity to contribute its opinion on the subject emphasizing the authenticity of gemstones – unique colored minerals created by nature millions of years ago.

According to the announcement further, First prize- one winner would award US$2,000, Second Prize-one winner would award US$1,500 & the Third prize-one winner would award US$1,000. The deadline for receiving posters at ICA Coordinator end is 20 September 2019.

Details to Participate:
The coordinator of this competition is Yehuda Kassif, who is a special advisor to the BOD. And Guidelines for the new posters are as follows: 1. the main image of the poster should be a design of a piece of jewelry, several pieces or a full set.  2. The design can be done by colored hand-sketch or any computer software.

3. The piece of jewelry should include colored gemstones (pictures can be found on ICA web-site), 4. The poster should include the name of the association “ICA -International Colored Gemstone Association” in English only. 5. Posters may include any other images as well and any slogan that will express the values of ICA.

6. If possible, it should also reflect phases of the gemstone business:  usage of natural sources, mining, producing and trade. 7. In order to express the internationality of ICA, designers are asked to try and express their own culture by using also their language or national symbols and icons.

8. Special attention will be given by the judges to unique and original jewelry designs Submitting designs, a graphic designer may submit up to 3 (three) designs. Each poster should be submitted separately on 4A size paper, The CMYK should be detailed on the submitted printed 4A page.

On the reverse side of each submitted poster should appear Name, and full address (including e-mail and full phone number).

Colored printouts have to be submitted along with a digital file on disk on key, disk or flash drive in one of the following forms: AI, EPS, and PDF. The file should not exceed 2 (two) MB and suitable for printing in high resolution, not less than 300 (three hundred) dpi, fit to be printed on A3 page (for exhibition).

All entries will be exhibited during the ICA Congress in Bangkok (October 2019) where ICA BOD and congress delegates will vote for their favorite design. Designers are invited to learn more about ICA, former competitions and a variety of posters dedicated to colored gemstone on ICA website:

The deadline for receiving posters is 20 September 2019. The color print and the digital file on disk or flash drive should be submitted only to the Coordinator.


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