Sierra Leone XAG surveyed 75%

Countrywide Survey is flying to end! The Ministry of Mines and Mineral Resources and the National Minerals Agency (NMA) informs that Xcalibur Airborne Geophysics (XAG), the company contracted to undertake the countrywide airborne geophysical survey, has successfully surveyed and collected data of over 75% of the country. The Company has flown a total of 411,548.5-line km, with an outstanding 135,994.5-line km. We further wish to inform the Public that due to the advent of the rains, which distort radiometric survey readings and affects pilot and aircraft safety, the airborne survey, has been suspended and will recommence in October 2019 for completion of the remaining 25% of the survey. Government, with support from the World Bank, is undertaking the countrywide airborne geophysical survey to collect reliable geophysical data that will help to determine the mineral potential of the country. The Ministry of Mines and Mineral Resources and the NMA take this opportunity t...