Alrosa scheduled True Colours auction!

Alrosa has launched the first True Colours auction of large coloured diamonds Alrosa, the largest diamond mining company in the world, presented the first of its kind collection of large coloured diamonds at the Hong Kong Jewelry & Gem Fair. This is a stepping stone of a new strategy, executed by Alrosa to become the world leader in the production of coloured polished diamonds. "Alrosa polished branch now focuses on the processing of large and coloured diamonds and the subsequent sales. We are the world's largest producer of diamonds, and that gives reason to believe that we are also ahead in terms of coloured rough diamond production. Today, Alrosa produces at least 7 thousand carats of coloured diamonds per year. We have all it takes to dominate the market of coloured diamonds. The collection presented in Hong Kong demonstrates our capabilities," said Evgeny Agureev, Director of the United Selling Organization of Alrosa. The collection show...