
Showing posts with the label diamond industry

The Grand Celebration of India’s 76th Republic Day at BDB

The Republic Day celebrations at BDB marked by heart-stirring performances   The 76th Republic Day of India was celebrated with grandeur and patriotic fervor at the Bharat Diamond Bourse (BDB) on the morning of January 26, 2025. The event, which commenced at 8:45 AM, witnessed an august gathering of distinguished dignitaries, esteemed guests, and members of the diamond industry, making it a truly memorable occasion.   The celebration was graced by Chief Guest H.E. Frank Geerkeens, Consul General of Belgium in Mumbai, in the presence of esteemed Guests of Honour; Ohori Keina – Deputy Consul General, Japan in Mumbai, John Nickell – Head of Political & Bilateral Affairs, British Deputy High Commission, Joshua Magnum – ARSO, US Consulate General Office, Maneesh Kalwaniya, IPS – DCP Zone 08, Mumbai, Yogesh Chavan – Senior Police Inspector, BKC Police Station.  BDB Management hosted, Industry Leaders & Prominent figures from Bharat Diamond Bourse (BDB) and the d...

NDC announces newest member, Okavango!

  ODC's distribution of natural diamonds recognised! Natural Diamond Council (NDC) is a not-for-profit organization that’s committed to inspiring and educating consumers on the real, rare, and responsible values of natural diamonds and the positive global impact of the industry. NDC is pleased to announce its newest member, Okavango Diamond Company (ODC).  The Botswana government–owned rough natural diamond marketing company joins the likes of De Beers and other responsible mining companies. ODC is the first non-mining diamond company to be admitted as a member of NDC, recognizing ODC's  importance in the upstream distribution of natural diamonds, and the importance that Botswana puts on  inspiring consumer demand as a driver of future prosperity for the natural diamond industry.  ODC sells over 6M carats of rough natural diamonds a year, all sourced from Debswana, Botswana's flagship diamond mining company that accounts for 98% of Botswana’s diamond production....

Encouraging signs of recovery!

  Italian diamond exchange:                           All over the world, the diamond industry is going through a very complicated period, and optimism and concern are protagonists. This is what was outlined by the President of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses Mr. Yoram Dvash, a reality of which the Italian Diamond Exchange has been a part since 1954. The world diamond industry is slowly getting back on its feet and the Diamond Exchanges are returning to activity albeit with the limitations of the period.  Likewise, the retail markets, China and the United States in the first place, are showing encouraging signs of recovery.   In a report on the global diamond industry, Moody's Investors Service indicated that global revenues from diamond sales are expected to drop by 30-40% in 2020 due to the Covid-19 measures.  And the market should gradually recover from the second half of this year.   ...

Turn a crisis into a new opportunity

We’re an industry that has Always overcome and emerged stronger Yoram Dvash, President, Israel Diamond Exchange and Acting President, World Federation of Diamond Bourses inked a blog amid pandemic scenario. He inks, I write to you direct from the Israel Diamond Exchange in Ramat Gan. Our huge trading hall, which is usually teeming with activity, is now fairly empty because of restrictions that allow only 100 people access at a time. Who would have imagined a diamond exchange with no handshakes to seal transactions? Almost four months ago, when the coronavirus broke out, I found myself having to manage the worst crisis the Israel Diamond Exchange has ever known. The challenge was massive and I approached it with great apprehension – to safeguard the health of the community, which includes more than 3,200 members and some 8,000 small and medium-sized business owners, and the health of the industry that is so dear to us all. In 2015, I was elected the 10th President of...

Alrosa launches a maintenance reform!

Reform at all mining and Processing divisions in Yakutia! Alrosa has launched a large-scale reform of its maintenance and repair service. The project is expected to deliver RUB 3.2 billion in five years. The program covers all the company’s services directly involved in the maintenance and repair at all mining and processing divisions in Yakutia. The project implies a gradual transformation of how equipment’s serviceability status is managed. Every mining and processing division will host a unit of the Integrated Service Centre. It will ensure maintenance safety and development, formation of responsibility centers and implementation of a new service system and a united technical policy. The new system is expected to come on stream by the end of 2020. The transformation implies the centralization of all functions into one service and a shift towards digitalization with all data concentrated in the SAP Plant Maintenance module. This approach will allow using digital t...

IDMA Call for Unity!

Change will come only if it is Brought on by a unified industry! Jeffrey Fischer, Honorary President, IDMA recently made a call for diamond industry to stay United! He inks,  It’s only human nature: we find ourselves driving way too fast down the highway, rushing to our destination – a destination we may or may not be anxious to get to. Suddenly traffic slows to a crawl, forcing us to slam our foot on the brakes.   Eventually, we pass the scene of a horrific car accident. We think “that could’ve been me… I’m going to slow down and be more careful.” But the moment we no longer see the accident in our rear-view mirror, we forget about it and slam our foot down on the gas pedal to make up for lost time. Undoubtedly, this human trait is one of the contributors to the recent spikes in the coronavirus here in the US and around the globe. We are too impatient to return to “normal.” It is abundantly clear to most of us that this pandemic will be all the more harmful ...

Result of Assure Program announced!

Performance of Diamond Verification Instruments announced! The joint collaboration by the Diamond Producers Association (DPA) and Signet Jewelers – the ASSURE Program has published the results from the independent performance tests of Diamond Verification Instruments in the Assure Directory on Through the Assure Directory trade participants can access objective and third party verified information on the relative performance of Diamond Verification Instruments and guidance on how to ensure that their business is protected from undisclosed laboratory grown diamonds.                 Jean-Marc Lieberherr, CEO of the Diamond Producers Association, said “Trade participants have a shared responsibility to disclose the nature of the product they are selling to protect the end consumer. Through the ASSURE Program we will support the diamond trade, from independent jewelle...

+50 carat diamond potential at Orapa AK10

Pangolin Diamonds positive results from 8,969 Individual kimberlite indicator mineral analyses Pangolin Diamonds results of an AK10 kimberlite indicator mineral chemistry classification by CF Mineral Research Ltd, Kelowna, Canada. Pangolin has been granted the sole and exclusive option to earn up to a 75% interest in the Orapa AK10 Kimberlite because +50 carat diamond potential indicator & positive results from 8,969 individual kimberlite ndicator mineral analyses.   A database of mineral chemistry analyses from the Orapa AK10 kimberlite consisting of 8,969 analyses of individual kimberlite indicator minerals (KIMs) were submitted to CF Mineral Research for classification using their proprietary classification scheme for KIMs to assess the diamond potential of the Orapa AK10 kimberlite. A total of 1,908 clinopyroxene analyses were classified.  The result of the classification found that 12.6% are associated with a derivation from the diamond stability f...

Dunnedin Recovers Diamonds!

Recovery from KD900 Kimberlite Pipe Dunnedin Ventures announced new diamond results from the kimberlite pipe KD900 and the completion of summer/fall field work at its 100% owned Kahuna Diamond Project in Nunavut, Canada. As noted in July 19, the Company has drill-tested two historic kimberlite pipes (KD900 and KD230) and in addition, discovered a new pipe (KH10-11).   Initial results from 133.32 kilograms of KD900 include 18 diamonds larger than the 0.106 mm sieve size. Diamond recovery results are indicator minerals from KD900 confirm that while this pipe is diamondiferous, it is not the sole source of high-quality diamond indicator mineral chemistry present in the Josephine Target Area. Claudia Tornquist, President of Dunnedin, said, "We are pleased to be able to confirm the historic diamond content of KD900, and further work on this pipe is warranted.  Importantly, these initial results from KD900 will now allow us to compare indicator minerals from...

Trade CARAT coins on Hotbit

Holders of the digital coin are able conduct currency transactions, As well as redeem their value in physical diamonds has announced that its diamond-backed CARAT coin is now being traded on the digital asset exchange platform- , with promising volumes of trade that are increasing from day to day. said that it selected to launch its currency on the Hotbit platform because of the crypto-exchange's strong presence in the Southeast Asia markets, which is a region in which it has focused attention for its CARAT coin. The company said the decision to initiate active trade in CARAT coins at this juncture was taken to enable members of the international diamond and jewelry sectors to receive liquid digital assets in exchange for diamonds they sell. The move is part of a multi-stage plan to provide members of these sectors with an inherently stable currency in which they can conduct their bus...

Tango inks services to Angola

Services Agreement for Mining and Marketing Tango Mining Limited announces that it has signed a Services Agreement for Mining and Marketing of Diamonds with Cooperativa Mineira Do Moquita, SCRL on a 147 square kilometer portion of a concession located 50 km north of Lucapa within the Lauchimo River basin, Province of Lunda Norte, Republic of Angola. Tango is responsible for capital expenditures associated with alluvial diamond mine design and equipment acquisition as well as enhancing production. As remuneration, Tango will receive 60% of the proceeds from the sale of produced diamonds. The Moquita Property, is located approximately 50 km downstream from the high diamond value Camútuè kimberlites. These, and possibly other kimberlites, have fed extensive downstream alluvial diamond deposits along ancient, north trending river systems including the Lauchimo River, which flows south to north across the Property. Such alluvial diamond deposits have been exploited by arti...