AWDC announces 3rd ASU

Mine to Finger, the academic program! Following the success of previous years, this summer the Antwerp World Diamond Centre, together with the University of Antwerp (UA) will organize the third Antwerp Summer University (ASU), From Mine to Finger. The academic program, spanning two weeks at the end of August-early September, is intended for an international group of masters and PhD students, graduates, researchers and (young) professionals from inside and outside the diamond industry. From Mine to Finger. A deep dive into the world of Diamonds is an intensive two-week programme, hosted by the University of Antwerp (UAntwerp) and the Antwerp World Diamond Center (AWDC). Throughout the programme, students will discover the world of diamonds in every aspect. Topics include the historical, geological, technical, economical, commercial and ethical perspectives of the global diamond trade. On top of this comprehensive academic overview, a series of diamond talks by indus...