CSO estimates of India GDP Q1

CSO estimates of India GDP Q1

The  Central Statistics Office (CSO), Ministry of  Statistics and Programme Implementation has released the estimates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the first quarter (April-June) Q1, of 2018-19, both at constant (2011-12) and current prices, along with the corresponding quarterly estimates of expenditure components of the GDP.

GDP at constant (2011-12) prices in Q1 of 2018-19 is estimated at Rs33.74 lakh crore, as against Rs31.18 lakh crore in Q1 of 2017-18, showing a growth rate of 8.2 percent.  Quarterly GVA at basic price at constant (2011-2012) prices for Q1 of 2018-19 is estimated at Rs31.63 lakh crore, as against Rs29.29 lakh crore in Q1 of 2017-18, showing a growth rate of 8.0 percent over the corresponding quarter of previous year.

The economic activities which registered growth of over 7 percent in Q1 of 2018-19 over Q1 of 2017-18 are manufacturing, electricity, gas, water supply & other utility services, construction and public administration, defence and other services. The growth in the agriculture, forestry and fishing, mining and quarrying, Trade, hotels, transport, communication and services related to broadcasting and financial, real estate and professional services is estimated to be 5.3 percent, 0.1 percent, 6.7 percent, and 6.5 percent respectively during this period.

GDP at current prices is derived by adding taxes on products net of subsidies on products to GVA at basic prices. GDP at current prices in Q1 of 2018-19 is estimated at Rs 44.33 lakh crore, as against Rs 38.97 lakh crore in Q1 of 2017-18, showing a growth rate of 13.8 percent. GVA at Basic Price at current prices in Q1 of 2018-19, is estimated at Rs 41.02 lakh crore, as against Rs 36.34 lakh crore in Q1, 2017-18, showing an increase of 12.9 percent.

Growth rates in various sectors are as follows: agriculture, forestry and fishing (7.0 percent), mining and quarrying (18.0 percent), manufacturing (17.7 percent), electricity, gas, water supply and other utility services (13.2 percent) construction (13.8 percent), trade, hotels, transport and communication (11.7 percent), financial, real estate and professional services (12.1 percent), and Public administration, defence and other Services (15.4 percent).

The next release of quarterly GDP estimate for the quarter July-September, 2018 (Q2 of 2018-19) will be on 30.11.2018. (First published on September 1, 2018)


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