Gold resource of 690K tons
measured gold resource of 154K tonnes
gold volume is
almost six years of production
Mining announces resource estimate has been completed at its Kora North
deposit, based on results from underground grade control, exploration diamond
drilling and face sampling. The updated resource estimate comprises a Measured
Resource of 154,000 tonnes Au, 8.9 g/t Ag and 0.5% Cu.
Indicated Resource of 690,000 tonnes Au, 14.1 g/t Ag and 0.8% Cu and an
Inferred Resource of 1.92 million tonnes of Au, 13.3 g/t Ag and 0.7% Cu. This
represents an increase of over 20% in the contained gold equivalent oz for the
Measured and Indicated Resource and almost 30% for the Inferred Resource.

updated resource estimate has been defined after just twelve months of
underground exploration drilling and represents, at the design production
levels of 50 - 70,000 ounces per annum; almost seventeen years of production.
Resources which are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic
viability. John Lewins, K92-CEO & Director, states, “We plan to drill out
from underground over the next twelve months. The Measured and Indicated
Resources alone represents almost six years of production at current design
levels of 50 – 70K ozs AuEq. This has been achieved while at the same time
establishing a new mining operation on the Kora deposit which is on track to
produce 45,000 ozs AuEq for 2018 at a cash cost of less than US$600 per oz AuEq
and an AISC of less than US$800 per ounce.”
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