The Indian Economy is on track!

India to maintain a high growth rate
in the current global environment!

The Second Quarter Data for the GDP growth for the Financial 2018-19 has been released & in the context the Ministry of Finance makes the Statement that, the Second Quarter has seen a reasonable overall GDP growth of 7.1%.  

The H-1 2018-19 growth of the GDP is 7.6% and the H-1 GVA growth is 7.4%.  The growth in the Second Quarter is on higher base compared to the growth of the First Quarter. 

The Manufacturing Growth on a base of 7.1% in Q2 2017-18 has been 7.4% in Q2 2018-19.  The Construction Sector has grown by 7.8%. The Gross Fixed Capital Formation as a ratio of GDP has increased by almost 1.3 percentage points over Q2 of last year.  The exports for Q-2 have grown by 13.4%.  The Government consumption for the Quarter has also significantly increased by 12.7%. 

This Quarter also faced the challenge of higher oil prices resulting in much higher import bill and the weakening of the rupee.  The Indian Economy is on track to maintain a high growth rate in the current global environment, the Ministry concluded.


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