Modi Reforms India performs!

2018 end witnessed
About 340 reforms on EoDB

Online Single Window System
Designed and implemented in 21 State/UTs! 

Sixteen States have implemented 75% or more of the 340 reforms based on Implementation Score in Business Reform Action Plan 2016.In Business Reform Action Plan 2017-18, 18 States have achieved a combined score (Reform evidence score and Feedback score) of more than 75%.

In the row of top achievers who undertakes reforms over 95% are, 1: Andhra Pradesh-98.30, 2: Telangana-98.28, 3: Haryana-98.06. Gujarat is on number 5 with 97.99. Maharashtra is not in the list of top 10. It attained 13 places with reform implementation of 92.88%.

The ease of doing business initiative of the government is achieved through Business Reform Action Plan wherein the endeavor is to make the processes simpler and transparent, reduce the timelines for various regulatory approvals and eliminate physical interface between the department and the business with the ultimate aim of increasing investments in the States and Union Territories (UTs).

As a result of the Business Reform Action Plan Exercise 2017-18:
A: 19 State/UTs - Established specialized Commercial Courts in major towns/clusters in the State,
B: 22 State/UTs - Reduced the number of documents required for obtaining electricity connection to only 2 as against 16 in 2016,
C: 21 State/UTs- Designed and implemented online Single Window System with functionality for online application submission, payment and approvals,
D: 12 State/UTs - Created online single window system for uploading building plans and providing construction permits,
E: 21 State/UTs -Digitized land transaction deeds of last 2 years at all sub-registrar offices.

16 States and UTs have a combined score of less than 50% under Business Reform Action Plan 2017-18. In this regard, DIPP has taken numerous initiatives in 2017-18 such as:

1: DIPP along with the World Bank conducted a nationwide workshop in July 2017 and 8 State/UT level workshops to share good practices and provide guidance on implementing reforms.
2: In 2017, DIPP organized dedicated Video Conferences with North East States to help them in understanding the Business Reform Action Plan.
3: In October – December 2018, workshops were conducted in each Union Territory to address challenge faced by them in implementing reforms.
4: DIPP also adopted handholding method of partnering leading States with low scoring States so that the latter could learn from the former.
5: 2 regional workshops, one each in Guwahati and Lucknow, have been conducted. In the following weeks, 3 more such workshops will be conducted in Kolkata, Mumbai and Bangalore.


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