Brooking recovered seven diamonds!

72 chromites recovered from recent loam and stream sampling Sampling results indicate the presence of three new lamproites Lucapa Diamond Company reports the positive results from the latest sampling work carried out at the Brooking Diamond Exploration Project in Western Australia’s West Kimberley lamproite province which included the recovery of a total of seven diamonds, of which two are macro-diamonds (>0.5mm diameter). A total of 72 chrome spinels (or chromites), visually identified as a type associated with lamproites, were also recovered from loam and stream sampling. A follow up exploration program involving heavy mineral stream and loam sampling complemented with soil geochemistry sampling was undertaken at Brooking over six identified target areas. Strong Likelihood of Lamproite Pipes: The results of this sampling indicate the presence of three new lamproites with two targets showing similar soil geochemistry to previously discovered lamproites at Brookin...