Brooking recovered seven diamonds!

72 chromites recovered from recent loam and stream sampling

Sampling results indicate the presence of three new lamproites 

Lucapa Diamond Company reports the positive results from the latest sampling work carried out at the Brooking Diamond Exploration Project in Western Australia’s West Kimberley lamproite province which included the recovery of a total of seven diamonds, of which two are macro-diamonds (>0.5mm diameter). 

A total of 72 chrome spinels (or chromites), visually identified as a type associated with lamproites, were also recovered from loam and stream sampling. A follow up exploration program involving heavy mineral stream and loam sampling complemented with soil geochemistry sampling was undertaken at Brooking over six identified target areas.

Strong Likelihood of Lamproite Pipes:

The results of this sampling indicate the presence of three new lamproites with two targets showing similar soil geochemistry to previously discovered lamproites at Brooking. 

As per the ASX announcement on 28 August 2018, Lucapa and its partners have already identified diamondiferous lamproite at Brooking where over 1,200 micro- and macro-diamonds were recovered from a drill program on the Little Spring Creek lamproite discovery. 

Kimberlite and lamproite are two of the deepest-sourced volcanic rocks that occur at the Earth’s surface. Like kimberlite, lamproite magma originates at upper mantle depths of 150 – 200km and may entrain diamonds and other associated minerals and elements from the upper mantle during its rapid ascent to the earth’s surface. 

The geochemistry analysis showed that a number of soil samples from target areas A and B were high in Rare Earth Elements (REE’s) and other elements commonly associated with lamproite. These target areas are proximal to where stream sampling also recovered diamonds and chromites. 

There is a strong likelihood that lamproite pipes could be present at each of these target areas which will be confirmed in the next phase of exploration. Stream sampling at target area C recovered diamonds and chromites over a NNW/ SSE trending linear feature observable in satellite imagery, suggesting the possible presence of a lamproite dyke. 

Lucapa Managing Director Stephen Wetherall said, “These positive results from the latest work carried out together with the previous exceptional micro- and macro-diamond recoveries at Brooking highlight the potential for the discovery of additional diamondiferous lamproites and reinforce our stated objective of positioning the Company for continued growth in the global diamond industry.”



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