Alrosa auctions 109 lots in Dubai

Dubai auction brings in $8.91mn Alrosa, the world’s largest diamond miner, reviews the results of the diamond auction in Dubai, the UAE. The total revenue from the sale of special size diamonds (+10.8 carats) exceeds $8.9 million. 109 out of 122 auction lots were sold. There were two especially large diamonds sold, 51.13 and 47.59 carats, respectively. 56 companies from Belgium, India, Israel, the UAE, the USA, Hong Kong and Russia participated in the auction. “This is our second diamond auction in Dubai this year. Beyond all doubt, this trading platform is successful. This time, the total weight of sold diamonds was more than 1,840 carats, the proceeds amounted to $8.91 million. Until the end of the year, we are going to hold 3 more auctions here, expecting the same consistently high results,” said Evgeny Agureev, member of the Executive Committee, Director of the United Selling Organization Alrosa.