Enhance industry skill training

Government has taken adequate measures to
enhance industry’s participation in skill training

The government has taken adequate measures to enhance industry’s participation in skill training so as to reduce the post placement dropout rate of trainees. A scheme namely Dual System of Training (DST) with an objective to enable industry to partner with ITIs for conducting training programmes in high employability courses as per industry requirement has been launched from year 2016. 

The scheme is amalgamation of theoretical training imparted in ITIs and practical training imparted in the industry premises. The course curriculum has been redrafted as per DST framework. In the National Council on Vocational Training (NCVT) sub-committee meeting dated 28th August 2018, a number of recommendations have been made to further improve the scheme.

Views of prospective employers were also considered on these recommendations. In the revised guidelines, there is more participation from industry, the curriculum is in accordance with industry requirement, thereby making the skill training more relevant inclusive, with the pass out trainee industry ready. 
Some of the details include:
1: Flexibility in duration of minimum and maximum practical training in industry
2: Relaxation in eligibility criteria of engineering & non engineering industry, i.e minimum number of employee in the industry as well as minimum turnover of industry.
3: Extending the scheme from existing 17 trades to all the trades as per industry requirements.
At present 10 State are conducting training under DST and have signed 136 MoUs with different industries.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Shri Anantkumar Hegde in a written reply to the Lok Sabha.


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