Colour stones and future Directions

Seminar on present
status of colour stones

Gemmological Institute of India (GII), a pioneer institute for gem stone certification and education organised a half day interactive seminar on “Present status on the developments in the area of colour stones and future Directions” in Mumbai. The main objectives were to review continuous developments in this subject and interact with our valuable customers.
Participation was by invitation. About thirty major gemstone traders and fifteen GII scientific colleagues participated in this seminar. Seminar was inaugurated by Shri Bakul R Mehta, Chairman-GII and in his inaugural address; he spoke on the need for openness in the market, use of scientific methods for the identification as well as origin determination and requirement of quality data for certification.

He conveyed to participants the importance of using harmonised protocols and standardisation of laboratories, and the progress made in this direction. Shri Kirti Das welcomed the participants. Dr. AVR Reddy made a presentation on the flow of analysis and certification at GII. He has explained many a detail of the entire process, importance of quality assurance and quality control, and use of advance techniques.

He welcomed valuable customers to visit the labs with prior appointment to observe our process of entire analysis and instrumentation. Dr. M.D Sastry spoke on treatment of gemstones and methods for identification of geographic origin.

Dr. Sastry, in his lucid talk, explained various colour enhancement methods with examples and appreciated the ability of GII scientific personnel in determining geographic identification of gemstones. He concluded his presentation by enlisting future requirements and possible direction.

Participants have sought clarifications on colour treatments, crack filling, resin filling, beryllium diffusion and colour treatment both radiation and heat treatments. Shri Nitin Pachchigar and Shri Bhagawati Patel joined Dr. Sastry and GII colleagues in answering queries. Smt. Silvia Sequera, Shri Mahesh Gaonkar and Shri Sandesh Mane gave answers to a few laboratory oriented queries. This lively seminar ended with presentation of vote of thanks by Smt. Silvia.


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