A 209.9 carat Type II stone unearthed!

Petra Diamonds recovers Cullinan Mine

Next sales cycle may offer the stone!

Petra Diamonds Limited confirms that it has recovered a 209.9 carat D colour Type II gem quality diamond at its Cullinan Diamond Mine. This is the third +100ct Type II D colour gem quality diamond recovered since March 2019 and the fourth such stone in the current financial year.

The recent recovery again demonstrates the prevalence of these types of stones in the Cullinan ore body, with an improved incidence of large and high-value stones as the C-Cut Phase 1 block cave progresses across the footprint, and the ability of the mine’s plant to recover the full spectrum of diamonds. The stone is expected to be sold during the fourth quarter ending 30 June 2019.

The Company has also confirmed that ‘The Legacy’, the exceptional 425 carat D colour Type II A diamond recovered from the Cullinan mine on 29 March 2019, together with this stone, will be offered for sale during the course of the Company’s next sales cycle in South Africa.

Appointments to view these stones in Johannesburg can be made by contacting the Company’s Head of Sales and Marketing, Greg Stephenson.


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