Felicitation of Shri Kirtilal K. Doshi!

Book On Gemstones &
Diamond released too!

Gem &Jewellery Exporters’ Association (GJEA) one of the pioneer organizations in the Gem &Jewellery Industry in India organized a glittering function to honor Shri Kirtilal K. Doshi, a founder Member and past President of GJEA, who is a living legend. The function was held at MCA, the Lounge, Wankhede Stadium, Churchgate, Mumbai.

The function commenced with a music program presented by Avishkar group. The audience enjoyed popular Gujarati and Hindi songs for over an hour. Shri Seventilal P. Shah, Partner, Venus Jewel, was the Chief Guest and Arunkumar R. Mehta, Chairman, Rosy Blue (I) Pvt. Ltd. was Guest of Honor. Dr. AVR Reddy, Chief Cordinator, GII, introduced dignitaries Sri Kirtilal K. Doshi, Shri Seventilal Shah, Shri Arunkumar Mehta, Shri Arvind C. Parikh, President GJEA and Shri Navin Jasnani. Vice President, GJEA.

Shri Arvind C. Parikh in his welcome address briefly narrated the contributions of Shri KIrtibhai, Shri Seventibhai and Shri Arunbhai to the industry. Dr. Reddy thereafter introduced Shri Arunbhai and his immense support to the diamond Industry. Shri Arvindbhai honored Shri Arunbhai with a bouquet and a shawl.GJEA had published a book on evaluation of colour stones and diamonds which was released by Shri Arunbhai. Later Shri Arunbhai spoke about his journey into the business and his association with Shri Kirtibhai from his early days of his career.

Dr. Reddy made a brief introduction of Shri Seventibhai and highlighted the finer points of his organizational ability, management skills,high precision and reliability of diamonds manufactured at his factory Venus Jewel and also his social and philanthropic activities. Then Shri Arvindbhai honored Shri Seventibhai with a bouquet and a shawl. Later Shri Seventibhai in his speech narrated his memorable  experience in the industry and his association with Shri Kirtibhai.

Thereafter Dr. Reddy spoke about the milestones in the life of Shri Kirtibhai, a multifaceted genius of the gem &jewellery industry. He was the pioneer of coloured stones and diamond trade in India. He was the first in India to start diamond cutting and polishing using modern laser technology. He founded Shrenuj group with a foot-print across 15 countries. He is a founder of Gem &Jewellery Exporters’ Association and Gemmological Institute of India (GII). Being, a philanthropist to the core, he is associated with a number of public charitable trusts and educational institutions. He has published seven volumes in English and Gujarati containing quotes and wisdom of words collected by him over five decades.

Shri Seventibhai honored Shri Kirtibhai with a bouquet, shawl and a memento of silver plaque presented by GJEA.  Shri Kirtibhai gave a thanks giving speech by remembering all the stalwarts of the industry associated with him and his own tryst with industry and educational institutes.

Shri Rajendrabhai Shah, other living legend was remembered by enumerating his contributions to the trade in general and formation of GJEA and GII in particular. Dr. Reddy described Shri Kirtibhai and Shri Rajendrabhai as Bhishma and Dronacharya of industry respectively.

Vote of thanks was given by Shri Navin Jasnani, who appreciated invaluable guidance given by Shri Kirtibhai to the gem &jewellery trade and industry as a pole star. He also thanked the co-operation of the Members and the Managing Committee Members of GJEA, business community and staff of GII in organizing the function.


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